
Building own Hacking OS

Introduction If you ask security professionals, on what is the best platform to be used for hacking, they would suggest to build own OS and add the tools manually. I myself was using kali a...

Getting Started with Cybersecurity with TryHackMe

Introduction This post is a good place to start with CyberSecurity. There is an existing path available at TryHackMe Free Path. I enhanced the list and this can be used to start learnin...

CheatSheet - Metasploit

Initializing msfdb init - initialize database. Msfconsole supports only postgresql databases. msfconsole -q - quietly launch msfconsole without banner. db_status - check database connectivi...

CheatSheet - Hydra

Hydra Options -l <name> - username -L <file> - multiple usernames -p <pass> - single known password -P <file> - wordlist -s <port> - custom port -f - exi...

CheatSheet - John The Ripper

John Resources John jumbo dev release John binaries John docs John docs Password Analysis and Cracking Kit Mangling Rules Generation John Installation ...

CheatSheet - Gobuster

Gobuster options Modes dir - directory/file enumeration dns - DNS subdomain enumeration s3 - AWS S3 bucket enumeration vhost - VHOST enumeration Global options --no-error - Do not di...

CheatSheet - TMUX

Starting tmux tmux bottom pane - left - session name bottom pane - middle - window name bottom pane - right - hostname, time, date Prefix mode Enter prefix mo...

CheatSheet - NMAP

NMAP options Scan Types -sn - Probe only (host discovery) -sV - Version scan -O - OS detection -sT - TCP scan -sU - UDP scan -sS - SYN scan -sR - RPC scan --scanflags - Custom lis...

Writeup for TryHackMe room - Advent of Cyber 2

Advent of Cyber 2 This room contains info and methods to recon and enumerate network captures, protocols, web servers, databases, binaries and SUID, privilege escalations, osint, cloud and e...

Writeup for TryHackMe room - Advent of Cyber

Advent of Cyber This room contains info and methods to recon and enumerate network captures, protocols, web servers, databases, binaries and SUID, privilege escalations, osint, cloud and enc...