Posts Building own Hacking OS

Building own Hacking OS


If you ask security professionals, on what is the best platform to be used for hacking, they would suggest to build own OS and add the tools manually.

I myself was using kali and Parrot OS, and came across this awesome video, by Zaid from ZSecurity, who explains how to build a custom hacking OS from scratch. There could be lots of other resources, but this video was complete and I built my OS on the first run.

The following is my experience based on the video mentioned above.

OS Install

I will be explaining the steps post initial OS installation. However, the following is the configuration I used.

  • OS - Debian latest
  • CPU - 2 (minimum)
  • RAM - 4GB (minimum)
  • DISK - 20GB (for OS - LVM), 100GB (for data - LVM)
  • NIC - 1 NIC with internet enabled
  • SOFTWARES - ssh server, gnome (for GUI)

Debian installation requires internet, so make sure to have NIC card with internet enabled during installation. I will use 100GB disk as LVM partition under /data, and will install/configure additional packages, scripts and tools in that location.

OS Basic Configuration

After OS is installed, set hostname and dns.

hostnamectl set-hostname --static <fqdn>
Set DNS to and for more security.

During OS installation, a regular user would have been created. For the user to switch to root without password, make the following changes.


Edit the following line in /etc/group file.


Latest Kernel and updates

In order to install latest 5.X kernel, backports channel should be enabled in the file /etc/apt/sources.list.

deb buster-backports main contrib non-free

Perform an apt update to refresh the sources and download available updates.

Install the latest kernel.

apt -t buster-backports install linux-image-amd64 linux-headers-amd64

Perform a full OS update.

apt clean ; apt autoclean ; apt update ; apt upgrade -y ; apt dist-upgrade -y ; apt full-upgrade -y ; apt autoremove ; apt autoclean ; apt clean ; apt-file update

Perform a reboot at this stage to boot from new kernel.

Packages and Services required

Install required basic packages for hacking.

apt install linux-headers-$(uname -r) apt-file build-essential dkms vim bash-completion net-tools telnet lsof wget curl dnsutils strace ltrace jq zip unzip screen git tcpdump smbclient ftp python-pip python3-pip golang yasm pkg-config openmpi-bin flex cmake bison aircrack-ng nmap zenmap xsltproc sqlmap wireshark dirb bleachbit socat torbrowser-launcher ocl-icd-libopencl1 opencl-headers clinfo hashid openvpn nfs-common tmux fcrackzip tesseract-ocr zlib1g-dev libbz2-dev libimage-exiftool-perl libssl-dev libssh-dev libidn11-dev libpcre3-dev libgtk2.0-dev libmariadbclient-dev libpq-dev libsvn-dev firebird-dev libmemcached-dev libgpg-error-dev libgcrypt20-dev libpcap-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev libnetfilter-queue-dev libnetfilter-queue1 libssl-dev libgmp-dev libpcap-dev libnss3-dev libkrb5-dev libopenmpi-dev

As I run my Hacking OS as a VM inside VMware, I will be enabling open-vm-tools for seemless host-guest functionality. Make sure to install/enable corresponding virtualization guest package.

systemctl enable --now open-vm-tools

Disable services which are not required at the moment.

systemctl disable --now avahi-daemon nmbd smbd tor

Bash customization

Add the following lines in /etc/bash.bashrc file for nice looking prompt, better history management and needed aliases.

export HISTSIZE=1000000
export HISTFILESIZE=1000000
export HISTCONTROL=ignoredups
export HISTIGNORE="&:ls:[bf]g:exit:history"
shopt -s histappend

export PS1="\[\033[01;34m\]\t \[\033[01;32m\]\u@\h \[\033[01;91m\]\w \[\033[01;32m\]\! $ \[\033[0m\]"
export PROMPT_COMMAND="history -a; history -c; history -r; $PROMPT_COMMAND"

export DISPLAY=<ip>:0.0

export LS_OPTIONS='--color=auto'
eval "`dircolors`"

alias ls='ls $LS_OPTIONS'
alias ll='ls $LS_OPTIONS -l'

export GOROOT=/usr/local/go
export PATH=$PATH:$GOROOT/bin

Make the change apply for current session source /etc/bash.bashrc.

VIM customization

Since I am in favor of vim, I will set up vim as default text editor.

update-alternatives --set editor /usr/bin/vim.basic

This can also be set via command /usr/bin/select-editor.

Use the custom vimrc file for quick editing and syntax highlighting, in /root/.vimrc file.

" Custom vimrc file to work easily with yaml and py files
" Save the file as .vimrc under home directory

set nocompatible

filetype off
filetype plugin indent on

set ttyfast
set laststatus=2
set encoding=utf-8
set autoread
set autoindent
set backspace=indent,eol,start
set incsearch
set hlsearch

" Basic vim settings
set hidden
set visualbell
set number
set nobackup
set noswapfile
set noshowmode

" Set the terminal's title
set title

" Global tab width.
set tabstop=2
set shiftwidth=2
set softtabstop=2
set expandtab

" Set to show invisibles (tabs & trailing spaces) & their highlight color
set list listchars=tab:»\ ,trail:·

" enable syntax highlighting
syntax enable

" show a visual line under the cursor's current line
" set cursorline

" show the matching part of the pair for [] {} and ()
set showmatch

" enable all Python syntax highlighting features
let python_highlight_all = 1

" Configure spell checking
nmap <silent> <leader>p :set spell!<CR>
set spelllang=en_us

" Set leader to comma
let mapleader = ","

" Default to magic mode when using substitution
cnoremap %s/ %s/\v
cnoremap \>s/ \>s/\v

" Capture current file path into clipboard
function! CaptureFile()
  let @+ = expand('%')
map <leader>f :call CaptureFile()<cr>

" Rename current file
function! RenameFile()
  let old_name = expand('%')
  let new_name = input('New file name: ', expand('%'))
  if new_name != '' && new_name != old_name
    exec ':saveas ' . new_name
    exec ':silent !rm ' . old_name
map <leader>n :call RenameFile()<cr>

" Strip whitespace on save
fun! <SID>StripTrailingWhitespaces()
  " Preparation: save last search, and cursor position.
  let _s=@/
  let l = line(".")
  let c = col(".")
  " Do the business:
  " Clean up: restore previous search history, and cursor position
  let @/=_s
  call cursor(l, c)
command -nargs=0 Stripwhitespace :call <SID>StripTrailingWhitespaces()

" Fix indentation in file
map <leader>i mmgg=G`m<CR>

" Toggle highlighting of search results
nnoremap <leader><space> :nohlsearch<cr>

" Unsmart Quotes
nnoremap guq :%s/\v[“”]/"/g<cr>
if has("autocmd")
  " StripTrailingWhitespaces
  autocmd BufWritePre * Stripwhitespace

" To spell check all git commit messages
  au BufNewFile,BufRead COMMIT_EDITMSG set spell nonumber nolist wrap linebreak
  " Set filetype tab settings
  autocmd FileType python,doctest set ai ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 et
  autocmd BufReadPost *
  \ if line("'\"") > 1 && line("'\"") <= line("$") |
  \   exe "normal! g`\"" |
  \ endif

Initialize GIT

git config --global <mail>
git config --global <name>


Wordlists - RockYou

Download RockYou wordlist which is most widely used.

curl -# -o /tmp/rockyou.txt.gz ; mkdir /data/wordlists/ ; gunzip -c /tmp/rockyou.txt.gz > /data/wordlists/rockyou.txt

Wordlists - SecLists

Download SecLists wordlist which is available by default in Kali, and also widely used.

git clone --depth 1 /data/wordlists/SecLists

Wordlists - Dirb

We could copy wordlists from dirb, so all dictionaries will be available at a single location.

mkdir /data/wordlists/dirb ; cp -ar /usr/share/dirb/wordlists/* /data/wordlists/dirb/


The tools mentioned below need not be installed altogether. Whenever needed, install and use specific tool/module.

Create directory for manually installing/configuring tools mkdir -p /data/tools/wireshark.

Install Burpsuite

curl -# -o /tmp/ "" ; chmod 777 /tmp/ ; /tmp/
chown root:root /data/tools/BurpSuiteCommunity/burpbrowser/87.0.4280.88/chrome-sandbox && chmod u+s /data/tools/BurpSuiteCommunity/burpbrowser/87.0.4280.88/chrome-sandbox

Configure Burpsuite

Download jython, a requirement for extensions.

curl -# -o /data/tools/jython-standalone-2.7.2.jar

Install Metasploit

curl -# -o /tmp/msfinstall ; chmod 755 /tmp/msfinstall ; /tmp/msfinstall

Configure Metasploit

Metasploit is intended to be run as regular user. Hence perform the following steps as regular user. Initialize metasploit db using msfdb init. Note down the metasploit web service username, password and API token. There will also be a manual database connect command. This will not be necessary, but worth noting down. Check the status of database connection from msfconsole using db_status.

Install Searchsploit

cd ~ ; git clone /data/tools/exploitdb ; ln -s /data/tools/exploitdb/searchsploit /usr/local/bin/searchsploit

Install Gobuster

Installing using GO

cd ~ ; go get -u ; cp go/bin/gobuster /usr/bin

Installing using github source

wget ; 7z x gobuster-linux-amd64.7z ; cd gobuster-linux-amd64/ ; chmod +x gobuster ; mv gobuster /usr/bin/ ; cd -

Install dirsearch

cd ~ ; git clone /data/tools/dirsearch ; pip3 install -r /data/tools/dirsearch/requirements.txt

Install Bettercap

cd ~ ; go get -u ; cp go/bin/bettercap /usr/bin

Install theHarvester

git clone /data/tools/theHarvester ; pip3 install -r /data/tools/theHarvester/requirements/base.txt ; mkdir /etc/theHarvester ; cp /data/tools/theHarvester/proxies.yaml /etc/theHarvester

Install Nikto

git clone /data/tools/nikto

Identifying Hashes

Online tools like Dcode or Hashes can be used for identifying hashes.

Offline tools like or hashid can also be used.

Install Hashcat

git clone /data/tools/hashcat ; cd /data/tools/hashcat ; make ; make install ; cd ~

To install in windows, download the binary here

Check compatability for running hashcat

/data/tools/hashcat/hashcat --benchmark --force

Install John the Ripper

git clone -b bleeding-jumbo /data/tools/john ; cd /data/tools/john/src/ ; ./configure && make -s clean && make -sj4 ; cd ~

To install in windows, download the binary from here or here

Install smbmap

git clone /data/tools/smbmap ; pip3 install -r /data/tools/smbmap/requirements.txt

Install hydra

git clone /data/tools/hydra ; cd /data/tools/hydra ; ./configure ; make ; make install ; cd ~

Install impacket

git clone /data/tools/impacket ; pip3 install -r /data/tools/impacket/requirements.txt

Install radare2

git clone /data/tools/radare2 ; cd /data/tools/radare2 ; sys/ ; cd ~

Install enum4linux

git clone /data/tools/enum4linux


OpenVPN - TryHackMe

If using openvpn, the easiest way to configure is to put the openvpn config file to /etc/openvpn, as tryhackme.conf, and to configure the service.

systemctl start openvpn@tryhackme

OpenVPN - VPNBook

Similar setup for VPNBook openvpn.

mkdir /data/vpnbook

wget -O /data/vpnbook/ ; unzip /data/vpnbook/ -d /data/vpnbook ; sed -i "s/^auth-user-pass.$/auth-user-pass\t\/data\/vpnbook\/auth.conf/g" /data/vpnbook/vpnbook-fr8-tcp443.ovpn

wget -O /data/vpnbook/ ; unzip /data/vpnbook/ -d /data/vpnbook ; sed -i "s/^auth-user-pass.$/auth-user-pass\t\/data\/vpnbook\/auth.conf/g" /data/vpnbook/vpnbook-de4-tcp443.ovpn

touch /data/vpnbook/auth.conf

cp /data/vpnbook/vpnbook-fr8-tcp443.ovpn /etc/openvpn/vpnbook1.conf
cp /data/vpnbook/vpnbook-de4-tcp443.ovpn /etc/openvpn/vpnbook2.conf

chmod 600 /data/vpnbook/auth.conf && curl -s "" | grep -A 1 "Username: vpnbook" | tail -n 2 | cut -f2 -d " " | cut -f1 -d '<' | awk 'NF>0' >/data/vpnbook/auth.conf 2>/dev/null && curl -s -X POST --header "apikey: <api-key>" -F "url=$( curl -s "" | grep -m2 "Password:" | tail -n1 | cut -d \" -f2 )" -F 'language=eng' -F 'isOverlayRequired=true' -F 'FileType=.Auto' -F 'IsCreateSearchablePDF=false' -F 'isSearchablePdfHideTextLayer=true' -F 'scale=true' -F 'detectOrientation=false' -F 'isTable=false' "" 2>/dev/null | jq -r ".ParsedResults[].ParsedText" 2>/dev/null | awk 'NF>0' >>/data/vpnbook/auth.conf && chmod 400 /data/vpnbook/auth.conf && systemctl start openvpn@vpnbook1


Initialize bleachbit as regular user for first time, select the cleanup modules required and preview first. It will generate a config file under home directory. Copy the file to root directory to use bleachbit in command line.

mkdir -p /root/.config/bleachbit ; cp /home/<user>/.config/bleachbit/bleachbit.ini /root/.config/bleachbit/

Use bleachbit -p --preset to preview using the generated config file, and bleachbit -c --preset to perform the cleanup.

Update Bash alias

Create alias for custom built tools in /etc/bash.bashrc file.

export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR="/data/tools/wireshark/"

alias theHarvester="python3 /data/tools/theHarvester/"
alias nikto="perl /data/tools/nikto/program/"
alias hashcat="/data/tools/hashcat/hashcat"
alias john="/data/tools/john/run/john"
alias smbmap="python3 /data/tools/smbmap/"
alias hydra="/data/tools/hydra/hydra"
alias burp="/data/tools/BurpSuiteCommunity/BurpSuiteCommunity"
alias enum4linux="perl /data/tools/enum4linux/"
alias ovb="systemctl start openvpn@4n3i5v74"
alias ove="systemctl stop openvpn@4n3i5v74"
alias ovv1b='chmod 600 /data/vpnbook/auth.conf && curl -s "" | grep -A 1 "Username: vpnbook" | tail -n 2 | cut -f2 -d " " | cut -f1 -d "<" | awk "NF>0" >/data/vpnbook/auth.conf 2>/dev/null && curl -s -X POST --header "apikey: <api-key>" -F "url=$( curl -s "" | grep -m2 "Password:" | tail -n1 | cut -d \" -f2 )" -F "language=eng" -F "isOverlayRequired=true" -F "FileType=.Auto" -F "IsCreateSearchablePDF=false" -F "isSearchablePdfHideTextLayer=true" -F "scale=true" -F "detectOrientation=false" -F "isTable=false" "" 2>/dev/null | jq -r ".ParsedResults[].ParsedText" 2>/dev/null | awk "NF>0" >>/data/vpnbook/auth.conf && chmod 400 /data/vpnbook/auth.conf && systemctl start openvpn@vpnbook1'
alias ovv1e='systemctl stop openvpn@vpnbook1'
alias ovv2b='chmod 600 /data/vpnbook/auth.conf && curl -s "" | grep -A 1 "Username: vpnbook" | tail -n 2 | cut -f2 -d " " | cut -f1 -d "<" | awk "NF>0" >/data/vpnbook/auth.conf 2>/dev/null && curl -s -X POST --header "apikey: <api-key>" -F "url=$( curl -s "" | grep -m2 "Password:" | tail -n1 | cut -d \" -f2 )" -F "language=eng" -F "isOverlayRequired=true" -F "FileType=.Auto" -F "IsCreateSearchablePDF=false" -F "isSearchablePdfHideTextLayer=true" -F "scale=true" -F "detectOrientation=false" -F "isTable=false" "" 2>/dev/null | jq -r ".ParsedResults[].ParsedText" 2>/dev/null | awk "NF>0" >>/data/vpnbook/auth.conf && chmod 400 /data/vpnbook/auth.conf && systemctl start openvpn@vpnbook2'
alias ovv2e='systemctl stop openvpn@vpnbook2'
alias nts="netstat -tunlap"
alias bclean="bleachbit -c --preset"

Make the change apply for current session source /etc/bash.bashrc.

Tips for searching packages

apt-cache search <package>
apt search <package>
apt-file search <file>

Search Kali Package Tracker for packages, and use source github to build and use the tool, which is not available for debian by default. Searcg Kali Gitlab for packages and install / build and use the tool, which is not available for debian by default.
